Smart Coaching UI
The View AR screen displays a viewfinder in the center of the screen that is equipped with responsive smart coaching. This helps the user intuitively understand what to do next. The viewfinder has a semi-transparent icon of an image that fades in/out as well as responsive text that responds when an AR recognition image is…
Smart Coaching UI
Animated Viewfinder
Feature Description:
The rectangular viewfinder in the middle of the screen is specialized to help users intuitively understand what to do next. Contained within the viewfinder is a semi-transparent animated image icon that fades in/out letting the user know they should bring the image into view.
Dynamic Prompt
Feature Description:
Text appearing at the bottom of the screen instructs the user how to start the AR experience and automatically hides when the AR experience is about to begin.
Responsive Smart Assets
Feature Description:
Coaching assets like textual prompt, viewfinder and animated coaching images respond to detected AR experiences and automatically hide before AR experience begins to provide a distraction free XR immersion.
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